Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 1

What a sigh of relief we gave to be home from the hospital. Though our nurses were kind and patient, tending to every need...coming home to our sweet soft beech sateen sheets, our farm fresh milk, and our frolicky kitties completed (or began, rather) our real journey as a family together.

In this picture, Carter was 5 days old. I love his clear, glassy eyes.

Here, Carter is 1 week old. He’s taking a nap after his big first outing to church.

What a sweet cherub!

Everyone wonders where I get all my energy right now. Well, you can see my baby sleeps like an angel. All good. If having kids is this easy, I’m having 8!!! (but I haven’t had that talk with Andrew yet, so don’t quote me on that).

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Andrew was SUPPOSED to have gotten a nice belly shot of me and his mother, but I suppose he was mesmerized by the glistening Lake Erie behind us. I can’t say I blame him. :)

That’s OK, I’ll get him back by posting these yet-undisclosed photos of him learning to tie a Moby wrap in our Bradley birthing class....he he. Of course I picked lavender! I wanted something to “brighten” my face!

Good job, honey!

Don’t worry, that’s not a real baby...(yet!)

OK, good job...he got our bellies this time! (well....mine)

On this trip, we visited family with a small car trip to Michigan ( a brave venture for a small-bladdered pregnant lady, if I do say so myself!) Can’t wait to introduce our tike to the rest of our family!

Did they confer with each other about what to wear that day? cutie grandparents!

Aunt Marcy and me!...the rest of the Julvezans have already begun their busy days!

Aunt Suzy & Uncle John relax with us on their deck.

Do you see a likeness?

What a I sure I want to pass down all these genes? :)